Krishiv Oils


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Dewaxed oil is a type of oil that has undergone a refining process to remove waxes from the crude oil. Dewaxing the oil gives it a higher shelf life and helps in retaining its nutritional value.
Yes. As it helps increase the smoking point of the oil, the nutrients stay intact. It is also good for lowering the cholesterol content in oil and to support a healthy immune system.
Yes. As it helps increase the smoking point of the oil, the nutrients stay intact. It is also good for lowering the cholesterol content in oil and to support a healthy immune system.
Health varies from person to person and so is the choice of oil. However, Krishiv oils are hygienically produced under expert supervision using ancient Indian oil pressing techniques. We offer a variety of oils {link-to-all-oils-here} which you may consider looking at based on your region, demographic and culinary requirements.
Health varies from person to person and so is the choice of oil. However, Krishiv oils are hygienically produced under expert supervision using ancient Indian oil pressing techniques. We offer a variety of oils {link-to-all-oils-here} which you may consider looking at based on your region, demographic and culinary requirements.
Indians have been consuming oils as a part of their diet for centuries. Indian culture has so many recipes in every region that are incomplete without a specific type of oil. Our grandmas always generously use oils to preserve achaars and other delicacies. We use ancient Indian technique for producing oils which retain the essential nutrients, so Krishiv oils taken as part of a normal diet are completely healthy.
We are committed to offering products that are free from harmful additives and chemicals, and that promote a healthy lifestyle.
With a site area of 3,00,000 sq. ft and more than 400+ employees working with us, keeping the quality of our products consistent is of utmost importance to us. We follow Hygienic procedures to ensure the same.
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