Krishiv Oils


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Our Clients

Our clients are renowned food manufacturers that produce exceptional and nutritious snacks, spices, fryums, and baked goods. They require a reliable source of oil to meet their culinary needs and maintain the quality standards of their products.

Our clients are renowned food manufacturers that produce exceptional and nutritious snacks and baked goods. They require a reliable source of corn oil for their manufacturing process.


We are proud to serve our customers in numerous states and cities across India. Our customers include individuals, families, and businesses of all sizes who rely on us to provide them with a healthy and versatile cooking oil that is ideal for their day-to-day cooking and business needs.

At Krishiv, we take immense pride in our commitment to quality and are always striving to improve our products to better serve our customers. Our dewaxed oil is made with the finest ingredients and the utmost care, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of excellence.

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